What is Radically Open DBT?

Overcontrolled people easily notice mistakes. Rather than focus on deficits, RO-DBT explores what’s psychologically healthy and what you want out of life, using these to guide treatment. Emotional well-being naturally develops in the presence of three conditions:
Openness to new experiences and evidence that doesn’t fit current beliefs so learning can occur
Flexible control, promoting adaptation to changing environmental conditions
Intimacy and social connectedness, as humans beings are group creatures by nature
The role of the therapist is to welcome self-critical clients back to the human tribe. RO-DBT therapists offer warmth and humanize their clients’ experience while providing evidence-based advice.
Radically Open DBT is a program built on 20 years of research. It comes with guiding materials covering topics like: mental flexibility, relaxing the nervous system, approaching feared situations, using body language to join others, identifying personal blind spots, and expressing emotions and needs to others.

This treatment is for people that value being focused, cautious, and logical. Even when unable to, overcontrolled people are driven to contribute and achieve. Typically private, they’re unlikely to communicate their distress to anyone but the people closest to them or helping professionals. The following diagnoses are associated with excessive control:
Chronic Anxiety
Anorexia Nervosa
Avoidant Personality Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
Autism Spectrum
Internalizing Disorders